Articles by Puppyland

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A black and white boston terrier puppy chewing on a red ball.

5 Tips For Starting Your Puppy On The Right Paw

December 26, 2022

When you bring a new puppy home, there are lots of firsts ahead for both of you. Your first walk together, your first game of fetch, the first time they try to chew on the furniture…the list goes on and on! Here are five tips for starting your puppy on the right paw and encouraging positive behavior from the start.

A juvenile golden retriever dog sitting in front of a decorated christmas tree.

5 Pet-Safe Holiday Decorating Ideas

December 12, 2022

The holiday season has arrived, and with it comes festive decorations, treats, and more. While you're decking the halls this year, don't forget to consider your canine companion. From plants to ornaments, picking pet-safe decorations can help ensure you and your dog have a happy holiday season. Following these five tips can help keep your pet safe during the most wonderful time of the year.

A cream coloured pug wearing a pilgrim hat. It is sitting over a wood sign that says Happy Thanksgiving.

Safe Thanksgiving Foods For Dogs

November 16, 2022

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and with it, comes all the delicious fixings! Unfortunately, there is often an increase in vet visits as a result of pets ingesting unsafe foods during the holidays. Not sure what Thanksgiving foods are safe to feed your furry friend? Keep on reading to see what’s on our list of pet-safe and unsafe foods for Thanksgiving.


Let New Braunfels make the choice

October 21, 2022

A year ago last month, we excitedly opened our doors in beautiful New Braunfels, and have been delighted with the warm reception we’ve received.

Sadly, we also discovered a spread of misinformation, fueled by a group of people trying to take away your right to choose where you get your next pet.

A labrador retriever dog dressed in a witch's hat and cape. It is sitting with several jack o'lanterns and a large fake spider.

Four Tips For Keeping Your Dog Safe This Halloween

October 12, 2022

While Halloween can be a ghoulishly good time for humans, it can be downright terrifying for pets. From repeated knocks at the door to people in costumes, Halloween can be an overwhelming experience for our furry friends. Keeping your dog safe during the spookiest night of the year doesn’t need to be tricky with these four Halloween safety tips for pets.
